Taylorville Daily News

Christian County Board Approves First Steps Of Solar Farm; Chairwoman Edwards Frustrated Over CEDS

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The Christian County Board met on Tuesday evening for their regular meeting virtually. The meeting was long-lasting; just over 3 hours, with the big discussion on a special use permit for the Black Diamond Solar Project in South Fork Township near Tovey. There was a concern from Tovey citizens about draining issues and flooding. After over an hour’s worth of discussion, a motion was finally brought to the floor. The motion that was brought was brought forward by Matt Wells for a special use permit with the understanding that this would not happen overnight. Chairwoman Becky Edwards said there would need to be approval from all sides and this was just a first step. 

The motion passed 10-5 in favor of approving the Special Use Permit. A motion was then put on the floor for the building permit that Black Diamond would clean the ditch and have an approval with the Village of Tovey before the building permit would be drafted. The motion carried. 

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